
Smart Labels

Game-changing RFID technology monitors freshness, temperature and location of every package through the entire supply chain, with seamless integration into standard packaging processes.

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Package level freshness monitoring

Smart labels integrated within the film of packs, unintrusive spoilage monitoring. Our groundbreaking sensing technology is peer-reviewed by a leading academic journal. Read the journal article here.


Correlation with spoilage organisms

Optimize the entire network, all the time with RFID

Our Smart Labels directly measure spoilage and temperature of food packs, giving package level visibility of inventory across the supply chain. Unintrusive wireless tech connected to our Cloud, eliminating the need to open up packages during quality tests and audits.

Monitor individual packs, reduce product waste by 75%.

Operating Specs
  • Temperature -2 to 24°C / -24 to 76°F
  • Installation Packed during production
  • Dimensions L77 x W43 x H18mm
  • Data access BLE

Software Features
AI Platform
  • Access Individual user account
  • Solutions Producers, Retailers
  • Features Widgets, reports, forecasts
  • Data Desktop, mobile or API


Digitize shelf life testing and cut 80% testing costs.

Shelf life testing


Audit supply chain routes and add extra shelf life.

Supply chain audits


Increase operational efficiency across the network.

Coming soon


Our sensors have 90% correlation with microbiological spoilage organisms

Campden BRI concluded our sensor data shows strong correlation (R>0.9) with microbiological and sensory testing.

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